Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wearin' o the Green

So if you read my last post, you might remember this dress. It's one I kept after my cleaning bender because, while it's not the most flattering on me, it's tied to a good memory, I love the color, and I love the fabric.

We had a pretty warm St. Patrick's Day and spring is in the air. Plus the fabric is an eyelet so I jumped right into converting the dress into something spring-y. The problem with it is that the waistband is so high up that the skirt falls like a maternity top over my (galdarn) potbelly. So I decided to separate the bodice off and make a skirt.

Using a seam ripper, I carefully separted the zipper from the side seams of the bodice, keeping the zipper in place on the skirt part. Then I ripped out the top from the skirt:

I trimmed the zipper but left about an inch on to make sure I could tuck it into the new seam.

This dress was lined so I just flipped it inside out, applied some interfacing to the waistband to stiffen it up then stitched the new waistband in, capturing the edges of the zipper to seal them in. And this is what I ended up with:

I kept the skirt on since the Conductor came over for a half-Irish, half-French dinner. And, while I know this is a sewing blog, can anyone resist the taste of HOMEMADE carmel sauce? Making homemade carmel is almost as easy and satisfying as sewing!

So...what will I do with the top part of the dress? I have two ideas and hope to post the results soon.

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